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Stories about San José

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"A Work of Love"

Updated: Jun 27, 2018

Some examples of the beautifully decorated globes at Galeria Namu in Downtown San Jose, Costa Rica. Galeria Namu features authentic art from the 8 indigenous tribes of Costa Rica.

December, 2014

I have been getting a lot wonderful five-star reviews on Amazon for my book, “The Real San Jose.” Here is one that I particularly like from Deborah Rojas, a Costa Rican lady (a “Tica”). Deborah works at Galeria Namu, an art shop and gallery that specializes in art from Costa Rica's indigenous tribes. She writes:

“I’m a Tica who works in downtown San José, in Barrio Amón to be exact -described in one of the chapters of Mr. Miller’s book. It was refreshing to take a look at the city through someone else’s eyes. I found out about places of which I had no idea! I now keep this little jewel handy, as reference to help anybody who comes into the shop (an indigenous/folk artwork gallery, so we get LOTS of tourists) looking for recommendations.

Thanks, Mr. Miller, for a work of love for a city that needs it!”- Deborah Rojas, Galeria Namu

Wow! What an amazing review. Thank you, Ms. Rojas.

Michael Miller is the author of the first and only guide book that focuses on Downtown San José, Costa Rica, titled:  The Real San José. Paperback copies of The Real San José are available at Galeria Namu and other retail locations in Downtown San José.  An electronic version is available at Amazon/Kindle, to access it click here. I welcome your comments and questions. You can email me directly at You can see additional stories that I have written about Downtown San José at my website:


© 2018 by Michael Miller of The Real San José

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