This group of old guys regularly get together to play music on Avenida Central, the super-busy pedestrian-only street in San José, Costa Rica. They play for tips from people walking by, and they sell CD’s of their music. They are all very talented and they play a mix of traditional and modern Latin music. The guy with the blue hat is playing a homemade bass guitar, and he sings great.
San Jose is a city full of surprises. It's all part of The Real San Jose.
Michael Miller is the author of the first and only guide book that focuses on Downtown San José, Costa Rica, titled: The Real San José. Paperback copies of The Real San José are available at selected retail locations in San José. An electronic version is available at Amazon/Kindle. Click here: The Real San José
Your questions and comments are always welcomed. You can contact Michael directly by email: therealsanjose@gmail.com You can see additional stories that Michael has written about Downtown San José at his website, by clicking here: The Real San Jose.