November, 2014
I am seated at the front counter of the Association of Residents of Costa Rica, where paperback version of The Real San José is prominently displayed and for sale. The paperback version was printed here in Costa Rica, and is available for sale at the ARCR office and selected retail locations. (That is the Costa Rican flag on the counter, which is conveniently red, white and blue.)
On Sunday, 16 November, 2014, I will be appearing at the Holiday Shopping Arts and Crafts Show at the Cariari Country Club just west of San José, Costa Rica. I will be signing books. If you are in Costa Rica’s Central Valley on Sunday, stop by. The Real San José will make a great gift for new arrivals or for friends back in North America who are still dreaming of coming here.
Michael Miller is the author of the first and only guide book that focuses on Downtown San José, Costa Rica, titled: The Real San José. Paperback copies of The Real San José are available at restaurants and hotels in Downtown San José. An electronic version is available at Amazon/Kindle, to access it click here.
I welcome your comments and questions. You can email me directly at therealsanjose@gmail.com You can see additional stories that Michael has written about Downtown San José at his website: TheRealSanJose.com