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    After living in San José for over five years, I came to know that beyond the somewhat rough exterior, there are some truly wonderful and amazing things to see and do in this historical city. Michael Miller has written the perfect guide for navigating San José and for being able to enjoy all of the beauty, art, and culture it has to offer. I highly recommend this book for anyone wanting to visit San José for vacation, as well as those looking for a great place to live on a full-time basis.

           *  Dennis Hambright, author of Outlaw Traveler thriller series


    As a resident of Costa Rica and though I have spent some time in San José, Miller’s book points out facts about the city I never knew about.  It is apparent that he has done his research.  Easy to use and well worth the price.  If you plan to visit San José in the future, don’t forget Miller’s book.  It should be in every hotel lobby.


            Calvin Cahail, author of Atlantis: Quest, Atlantis: War, and Covert Power.

    Tour Web Site.tif

    Travel Writer, Lauren Salisbury, With a Copy of

     The Real San José

    California Girl and travel writer, Lauren Salisbury, reviews Michael Miller's original guidebook titled, The Real San José on her blog site.   Her site is called “Something in Her Ramblings,” and it covers her travels in Central America, Europe and the U.S. with wonderful clear prose and beautiful photos.  Read Lauren's review of The Real San José by clicking here and then, reward yourself by spending some time exploring her fascinating web site.


    Michael Miller has been a long-time visitor, and recent resident in downtown San José.  He shares his discoveries in this one-of-a-kind guidebook.  Targeted to the tourist, or longer visitor in the downtown area with some time on their hands, and an interest in seeing more of the downtown area.  Very local, very specific, and very pertinent in this busy city.  Overcoming many of the fear factors in visiting a new city, Michael makes it easy and fun to get around, and to discover the hidden treasures in this great city. As a recent transplant to Costa Rica from the US, I thought that I knew quite a bit about San José.  Michael opened my eyes to finding daily needs, and national treasures.  Don’t leave your hotel without this book.  You might miss some of the great treats here in San José.


            Bob B., Amazon/Kindle review


    All topics are covered from perspective of American who has lived there for many years.  Enjoyable read, lots of photos, comprehensive view of whatever you need to know, whether you plan to visit or not.


    Andrea Rail, Amazon/Kindle review




    I bought a copy of the book from Mr. Miller himself! I was at a wonderful restaurant — El Jardin — where the great Christina told me about the book.  I met Mr Miller there and got his book, and then went home and devoured it.  What a fantastic resource for someone new to San José like myself.  I have been here less than a week, and the book came along at just the right time.  Many guidebooks tell you that San José is worth a day or two only, but Mr Miller knows the truth:  San José has lots of neat places worth getting to know during a longer stay.  I’m spending a month at the CRLA learning Spanish before I dive into Costa Rica. And I now have a guide to all the best parts of San José to explore during my stay here.  Muchas gracias, Mr Miller! 


    Jeff Stewart, Amazon/Kindle review




    This is much more than the typical guide book.  Michael Miiler has sought out and investigated the most interesting places (some of which are just plain exciting) to spend time at in San José.  He brings us in on secrets that aren’t really secrets, but have been overlooked by the usual “guidebook writers,” most of whom never took the time Mr. Miller did to explore what it really here.  If you are in San José, plan on visiting San José, or, for that matter, if you simply want to know what an exciting downtown is all about, buy this book.  You won’t be sorry you did.


    Albert Correia, author of  Even in Eden




    I am thoroughly enjoying this book!  I have never visited Costa Rica, but it’s been a long time dream of mine to do so.  Reading this book is bringing my dream closer to a reality as I’m ready to make my reservations.  Thank you, Mr. Miller for making the beautiful country of Costa Rica come alive through your writing.  I will recommend The Real San José to all my friends.



    Karen Case, Amazon/Kindle review




    Wow!  What a wonderful book!  With each chapter, I was transported to another world.  Mr. Miller wrote in a way that made me visualize the beauty and everyday life in San José.  The book was easy to read, infused with humor, and very down-to-earth.  It’s obvious to the reader that Mr. Miller loves this country.  I was sorry when the book ended as I could have easily read more. Thank you Mr. Miller for a fantastic experience!


    Angela Grabowicz, Amazon/Kindle review




    I have been coming to Costa Rica for years as a visitor, and have lived here full time for 3 years. Michael Miller’s guide-book explains the mysteries of navigation within the City itself. I finally understand how the streets and avenues work. There is a fold-out map which is clear, easy to read and follow, and it highlights some of the landmarks which are the reference points for finding some of the hidden jewels he introduces to us. Now that I have it, I wish I had is sooner. Thanks Michael Miller! I will recommend this book to visitors and locals alike.


    Carole Jean Connolly,  Author of Carole Jean’s Capers




    I’m a Tica who works in downtown San José, in Barrio Amón to be exact -described in one of the chapters of Mr. Miller’s book. My attitiude towards San José has always been kind of “get in-get out”, so it was refreshing to take a look at the city through someone else’s eyes. I found about places of which I had no idea!
    I now keep this little jewel handy, as reference to help anybody who comes into the shop (an indigenous/folk artwork gallery, so we get LOTS of tourists) looking for recommendations.
    Thanks, Mr. Miller, for a work of love for a city that needs it!


    Deborah Rojas, Galeria Namu




    This is an very easy book to read. The information contained in it is essential to newcomers to this city. Mr. Miller’s tips on safety and finance alone will cover the cost of this book. His experience in Costa Rica gives the reader invaluable insight into the many facets of the Costa Rican/San Jose culture. He really explains virtually all everyday items that a foreigner will face when coming to this Central American metropolis.


    A. Julian,  Amazon/Kindle Review




    A must read for anyone in San Jose.


    James L. Peacock,  Amazon/Kindle Review




    As I am planning my trip to Costa Rica and wondering what there is to do in San Jose, I found this book. Wonderfully written, easy to use. So many times we only have a few days in big city and we like being local. Just reading the book, I feel like I am already there! Thank you Michael, for writing such a terrific book!


    Carrie Calvert,  Amazon/Kindle Review




    I know San Jose well…and this book is one which I will put into the hands of friends and family visiting as it is both accurate and well written. The tourist board would do well to hand this out at the airport to persuade visitors to visit the country’s capital rather than heading for the ghettos of the coastal resorts.


    Helen Devries,  Amazon/Kindle Review




    EVERYONE going to San Jose, even if just passing through for a day, should read this incredibly handy, well-written and clever guide. Tells you exactly what you need to know and stops there, so you could literally read it on the plane if you have no other time before your trip. I wish this man covered every place we visit!


    “CyberSquirt”,  Amazon/Kindle Review






    This is a terrific guide for those planning a stay in Downtown San Jose, Costa Rica. The streets can be busy and terrible confusing and I found this book to be the perfect guide when trying to plan my strategy for the day. I ate at three of the recommended restaurants and all were great as suggested. Also locations of museums and shopping were very helpful. With the help of this book I had 5 great fun filled days in busy San Jose.


    “Kat”,  Amazon/Kindle Review


    © 2018 by Michael Miller of The Real San José

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